Window Server Setup

Setting up a Windows Server involves several key steps, including installation, configuration, and management of various services.

What We Provide

We are experts in providing the below services and we have a lot of happy customers who are getting good business from the services we provided .

Download Windows Server

We select the best mailing server according to your needs and then giving you the best suggestion that will work smooth for your requirement .The speed and the configuration is taken into consideration .

Configure Network Settings

Configuring network settings typically involves modifying parameters such as IP address, DNS, subnet mask, gateway, and sometimes advanced settings like proxies or static IP configurations

Install Active Directory

We select Role-based or feature-based installation and choose the server. We promote to Domain Controller We also set up the Domain Name and other configuration

Install and Configure Additional Roles

We add Roles and Features wizard and then we select installation type step, choose Role-based or feature-based installation